Description & Specifications – Ultraviolet Light Systems
UV is a proven and dependable method for controlling algae, bacteria, and protozoa in your pond or water feature. Aqua Ultraviolet Light System UV Sterilizers will eradicate these organisms without any harmful residuals. The UV controls the spread of fish disease, viruses, and other harmful pathogens, as well as keeping your water clear by destroying free floating algae. Aqua Ultraviolet Light System UV’s will clear your water in 3 to 5 days sometimes overnight and keep it that way. Performance is guaranteed when sized, installed and operated according to instructions.
Here’s what one customer has said after installing their UV System:
“When I went outside to look at my fish pond I couldn’t believe my eyes. The water is crystal clear! I mean very clear. It has never been like this so you can only imagine how happy I am about this. Thank you so much for helping us put this together. I haven’t seen my fish like this probably ever. Now we can just enjoy it every time we go outside!”
If you would like our help with getting the right UV, just call or send us a message.